Fighting Spiritual Complacency

You believe in God. You pray and sometimes go to church, and you try to be a good person. You're all set. Right? I mean you're busy enough as is, how much time and effort do you really need to put into your faith? And what's the harm of just dipping your toe in religion? Let's…


Fighting Spiritual Complacency

You believe in God. You pray and sometimes go to church, and you try to be a good person. You're all set. Right? I mean you're busy enough as is, how much time and effort do you really need to put into your faith? And what's the harm of just dipping your toe in religion? Let's…


Finding Rest In A Busy Life

Are you in need of rest? Not just a break, but like real, deep soul rest? Is life going 100mph and you feel like you’re doing everything you can just to hang on? Not only can this type of pace in life be harmful to our physical health, but it’s also harmful to our spiritual…


Finding Rest In A Busy Life

Are you in need of rest? Not just a break, but like real, deep soul rest? Is life going 100mph and you feel like you’re doing everything you can just to hang on? Not only can this type of pace in life be harmful to our physical health, but it’s also harmful to our spiritual…


Finding Rest In A Busy Life

Are you in need of rest? Not just a break, but like real, deep soul rest? Is life going 100mph and you feel like you’re doing everything you can just to hang on? Not only can this type of pace in life be harmful to our physical health, but it’s also harmful to our spiritual…


Finding Rest In A Busy Life

Are you in need of rest? Not just a break, but like real, deep soul rest? Is life going 100mph and you feel like you’re doing everything you can just to hang on? Not only can this type of pace in life be harmful to our physical health, but it’s also harmful to our spiritual…


Meaningful Over Convenient

Through technology, we have access to more content and more conveniences than ever before, but we feel more disconnected than ever before. And while conveniences are great and can improve the quality of our lives, the danger is that we can soon prioritize convenience over the…


Meaningful Over Convenient

Through technology, we have access to more content and more conveniences than ever before, but we feel more disconnected than ever before. And while conveniences are great and can improve the quality of our lives, the danger is that we can soon prioritize convenience over the…


Meaningful Over Convenient

Through technology, we have access to more content and more conveniences than ever before, but we feel more disconnected than ever before. And while conveniences are great and can improve the quality of our lives, the danger is that we can soon prioritize convenience over the…


It’s A Wonderful Life

After a life full of disappointments and sacrifice with little thanks, we see George Bailey, the main character from It's A Wonderful Life, wondering if everyone and everything would have been better off in this life if he has never been born. As we wrap up our Christmas At The…