Finding Rest In A Busy Life

Are you in need of rest? Not just a break, but like real, deep soul rest? Is life going 100mph and you feel like you’re doing everything you can just to hang on? Not only can this type of pace in life be harmful to our physical health, but it’s also harmful to our spiritual…


Having Authentic Faith

We’ve all met people who say they are Christians, but they look nothing like Jesus. Maybe they go to church, but aren't growing from what they learn in God’s word. They are wearing the uniform, but they’re not in the game. James gives a warning about living that way, and tells…


How To Face Hard Times

Nobody wants to go through difficult seasons in life. We work hard to make life comfortable and when things do get rough, we get angry with God and wonder if He even cares what's happening to us. But what if the difficult times in life were less about what's happening TO us and…


How To Face Hard Times

Nobody wants to go through difficult seasons in life. We work hard to make life comfortable and when things do get rough, we get angry with God and wonder if He even cares what's happening to us. But what if the difficult times in life were less about what's happening TO us and…


How To Face Hard Times

Nobody wants to go through difficult seasons in life. We work hard to make life comfortable and when things do get rough, we get angry with God and wonder if He even cares what's happening to us. But what if the difficult times in life were less about what's happening TO us and…


What’s Not Working

We've probably been on our phones more this year than in previous years. Between staying at home through the pandemic and going through an election year, we all have logged more hours on our phones. And while our phones can be a great asset to our lives, research shows that the…


What’s Not Working

We've probably been on our phones more this year than in previous years. Between staying at home through the pandemic and going through an election year, we all have logged more hours on our phones. And while our phones can be a great asset to our lives, research shows that the…


What’s Not Working

We've probably been on our phones more this year than in previous years. Between staying at home through the pandemic and going through an election year, we all have logged more hours on our phones. And while our phones can be a great asset to our lives, research shows that the…