How To Recover From Spiritual Failure

There are few feelings worse than realizing that we’ve blown it. Whether it's a major betrayal or a minor misstep, our instinct is to often hide in shame. But when we feel like we’ve blown it with God, we can be tempted to think there’s no coming back. But in this video, we’ll…

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Keeping Faith In A Distracting World

Every day we are faced with things that can distract us from what matters most. We chase after things looking for happiness and fulfillment, but what can often happen is that the pursuit of these things can cause us to drift away from our faith, something that has eternal…

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A Faith That Stretches Us

In our curated digital world, it's tempting to unfollow anything that challenges our comfort or image. But what happens when following Jesus leads us to hard truths? In this video, we'll explore how Jesus' teachings often pushed the levels of comfort of many of his followers,…

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That’s Not What I Wanted!

Our culture tells us to pursue instant gratification and ensures us that we deserve all the things we want. As a result, it can be easy to be drawn to faith primarily for how it can quickly meet our needs and wants, but when that doesn’t happen many of us find our faith being…

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