How To Keep Your Faith Alive

Have you ever felt like you're trying to hang onto your faith for dear life? Maybe storm after storm keeps coming and it seems like there will be no relief. Or you're waiting to know what's your next move but it feels like God is silent. How can you keep your faith alive when it…

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3 Lies That Keep You From Humility

What does it take to live humbly? Why does God want us to live this way anyways? If you are trying too hard to be humble, then are you really humble? We're exposing three lies that many of us believe that prevent us from being the people God intends us to be.

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When I’m Not Feeling Content

Ever felt frustrated that you weren't where you wanted to be in life or didn't have what you wanted? Maybe you feel like you're doing everything right and you still don't feel content. Where is God when this happens? We'll find out this weekend as we continue our series in the…

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The Power Of Your Words

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words _______ ______ ______ ______? Might hurt even more? Might stick with me forever? Define my worth? What is it about words that are so powerful? And why is it so hard to control the things that we say? We're talking about that this…

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Having Authentic Faith

We’ve all met people who say they are Christians, but they look nothing like Jesus. Maybe they go to church, but aren’t growing from what they learn in God’s word. They are wearing the uniform, but they’re not in the game. James gives a warning about living that way, and tells…

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How To Face Hard Times

Nobody wants to go through difficult seasons in life. We work hard to make life comfortable and when things do get rough, we get angry with God and wonder if He even cares what's happening to us. But what if the difficult times in life were less about what's happening TO us and…

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