New Birth

Have you ever wondered why there are so many religions and why there are so many rules? Religion has been man’s attempt to earn God’s love. But in this week of Meet Jesus, Pastor Ken reads about a man who was VERY religious, but regardless of his actions, Jesus told him that he…

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The Draft

It’s easy to disqualify ourselves from being used by God because well…it’s me. We tend to think that the job of reaching and telling others about Jesus is reserved for those who are super spiritual or those who hold a religious occupation. But as Pastor Sean continues this…

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New Wine

Many times we would prefer to maintain an external relationship with God because it’s much easier to manage. However, God never has been concerned with how we look on the outside. His focus has always been focused on our hearts. As we continue this series, Pastor Sean teaches…

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First Things First

There is information that we learn that moves us to trust or distrust someone. As we begin this new series in the book of John, the writer John starts his book off by working to convince the unconvinced that Jesus is in fact God. In this first teaching, we learn that John starts…

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