October 26, 2020
Having Faith When We Are Discontent
Remember when you were a kid and you couldn't wait to be old enough to be in high school or drive a car. And then you couldn't wait for college or to get married. And then you couldn't wait to have kids or get your first real job. And if we're honest, this cycle never really…
October 19, 2020
Having Faith When We Are Weighed Down
Mental and emotional weight that we carry can often have a physical result. We feel our chest getting tighter and sometimes it feels like it's hard to breathe. We walk around feeling anxious, frustrated, stressed, and exhausted. And the longer we carry this weight around, the…
October 12, 2020
Having Faith Even When We Are Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed is normal to experience from time to time. There are days where we feel there is not enough time to get everything done that we need to. But then there are seasons of life where feeling overwhelmed is the norm. Life you don't have what it takes to keep up…
October 5, 2020
Having Faith Even When We Are Uncertain
We like to know what's coming next. We like it when everything goes according to our plans. The problem we face is that life just isn't like that. We go through seasons where everything seems to work out how we want and it gives us the illusion that it should always be that way.…