Finding Peace From Worry And Fear

We want to have peace in our lives, at our jobs, in our homes, and in our relationships or marriages, but more often we find ourselves experiencing fear, worry, and stress. So what can we do to experience God’s peace? In this video, Sean Sears shares two keys from the Bible on…

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How To Know Jesus

There is a difference between knowing about someone and really knowing someone. A lot of people might know about Jesus, but how do you really get to know him? Can you know him personally? Do you have to be a religious person? Does your past impact your ability to know Jesus? In…

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Finding Contentment That Lasts

Contentment can be so hard to find at different times in our life, and even when we do have it, it never seems to last very long. In this video, we’re discovering what brings contentment that lasts and what changes need to be made to get it.

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Has Your Identity Been Hijacked?

Everyday we are surrounded by voices trying to speak into our lives as to what should define us. But not all of our identities are created equal. In order for you to have healthy relationships and be healthy mentally, emotionally, and spiritually yourself they can’t all be…

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