September 28, 2020
Facing Spiritual Barriers
There are things in life that require regular maintenance in order to avoid needed repairs and costly consequences. The same is true in your spiritual life. Today, we see what thing can act like spiritual check engine lights, letting us know what things need additional work and…
September 21, 2020
Community Connections
Everyone longs to be a part of a collective community all sharing a common goal. That's why we often build community around sports teams, political parties, and our passions and interests. But often, we allow these things to influence our identity and purpose. But the Bible…
September 15, 2020
Social Connections
Our default setting is to make decisions based on our own convenience. Now more than ever, it seems easier to stay in our own comfort zone than reach out to a friend or attend a social gathering. But it turns out that the number one obstacle for healthy community is making…
September 7, 2020
Vulnerable Connections
Over the course of time, we often find ourselves slipping into unhealthy habits. It could be an unsustainable pace in life, an unhealthy diet, unchecked anger and frustration, or drifting towards spiritual apathy. The tough part is, we are often nose blind to our own dysfunction…