What Does the Bible Say About Judgment Day?

The Bible makes it clear—everyone will give an account for their lives. But what does that actually mean? And what does God’s judgment reveal about His justice, mercy, and ultimate plan? Does God judge fairly? Are heaven and hell real? And if so, is it possible to be certain…

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When Is Jesus Coming Back?

What really happens when Jesus returns? The Book Of Revelation talks about two big events - the rapture and the second coming. But with all the movies, books, and theories out there, it's hard to know what's true. In this video, Lead Pastor Sean Sears looks at the evidence of…

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Faithful Endurance Wins

We all face those moments when doing what's right collides with doing what's easy. While most of us want to choose what God says over our own temporary comfort, following His way often feels like choosing the harder path. And so we cave. We compromise. But what does it actually…

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God’s Still In Control

Apocalyptic movies, global uncertainty, and doomsday predictions all paint a chaotic picture of how the world might end. But what if the culmination of our world isn't controlled by chance or chaos, but by a God who has been in complete control from the beginning? In this week's…

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