The Top Priorities Of A Parent

There's a lot that parents need to think about while raising kids. How are they in school? Are they developing well socially? Are you succeeding in raising them to be a decent person? It can be overwhelming! But what should be the top priority of a parent? What things are more…


The Top Priorities Of A Parent

There's a lot that parents need to think about while raising kids. How are they in school? Are they developing well socially? Are you succeeding in raising them to be a decent person? It can be overwhelming! But what should be the top priority of a parent? What things are more…


The Top Priorities Of A Parent

There's a lot that parents need to think about while raising kids. How are they in school? Are they developing well socially? Are you succeeding in raising them to be a decent person? It can be overwhelming! But what should be the top priority of a parent? What things are more…



All of us want our kids to grow up and be successful. We want them to have good grades, to be a starter on the team, to get accepted into a good college, and to land a good paying job. But the things our culture tells us we need to do in order to help our kids be successful is…