January 14, 2024
Jesus’ Greatest Speech
“Love your neighbor." "Turn the other cheek". Jesus' statements sound ideal but living them out is tough. Rather than rally political revolt like many of his day had hoped, Jesus focused on inner change instead. His piercing principles targeted the very areas we still today…
January 7, 2024
The People God Picks
Do you ever feel like your life is too messy or you are too unqualified to be used by God? It’s easy to assume God favors those who are more put together, more educated, or with more skills. But in this video, we see that Jesus does the exact opposite of what we’d expect.…
December 31, 2023
Trusting God In The Unexpected
When life throws curveballs, our ideas and expectations often get busted. In those moments, it’s easy to feel let down and question why God is letting this happen. But what if the unexpected revealed more purpose than we realize? In this message, we explore how to stand sturdy…
December 31, 2023
Trusting God In The Unexpected
When life throws curveballs, our ideas and expectations often get busted. In those moments, it’s easy to feel let down and question why God is letting this happen. But what if the unexpected revealed more purpose than we realize? In this message, we explore how to stand sturdy…
December 31, 2023
Trusting God In The Unexpected
When life throws curveballs, our ideas and expectations often get busted. In those moments, it’s easy to feel let down and question why God is letting this happen. But what if the unexpected revealed more purpose than we realize? In this message, we explore how to stand sturdy…
December 31, 2023
Trusting God In The Unexpected
When life throws curveballs, our ideas and expectations often get busted. In those moments, it’s easy to feel let down and question why God is letting this happen. But what if the unexpected revealed more purpose than we realize? In this message, we explore how to stand sturdy…