The Bible makes it clear—everyone will give an account for their lives. But what does that actually mean? And what does God’s judgment reveal about His justice, mercy, and ultimate plan? Does God judge fairly? Are heaven and hell real? And if so, is it possible to be certain about where you stand? In this message, Lead Pastor Sean Sears breaks down what the Bible really says about judgment, eternity, and God’s desire to restore and renew. Discover how understanding God’s justice can bring clarity, confidence, and purpose—so you don’t have to live with uncertainty about what happens next.



End Game: What Does the Bible Say About Judgment Day?

Two Big Truths About Judgment

  1. Everyone will give an account to God
  2. God’s judgment will be fair and final

The Two Judgments in Scripture

The Bible describes two separate judgments:

  • Judgment Seat of Christ – For believers; about rewards, not salvation.
  • Great White Throne Judgment – For unbelievers; final separation from God.

The Battle of Armageddon & Christ’s Second Coming

At the end of the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the armies of the world gather to fight against Christ:

[Revelation 19:19-21] “Then I saw the beast and the kings of the world and their armies gathered together to fight against the one sitting on the horse and his army. The beast was captured, and with him the false prophet… Both were thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.”

  • Jesus returns and defeats the Antichrist.
  • The Antichrist and False Prophet are immediately thrown into the Lake of Fire.
  • Those who took the mark of the beast are destroyed.

[Revelation 20:1-5]Satan is bound for 1,000 years and believers reign with Christ.

The Judgment Seat of Christ (For Believers)

  • Happens before the Second Coming.
  • Not about guilt or innocence but rewards for faithfulness.
  • [1 Corinthians 3:11-16]Our works will be tested by fire; some will receive rewards, others will suffer loss but still be saved.
  • Believers are judged on their obedience and devotion to Christ.

The Millennial Reign of Christ

  • Christ reigns for 1,000 years.
  • Satan is bound and unable to deceive.
  • Peace and righteousness fill the earth.
  • [Isaiah 11:6, 9]“The wolf and the lamb will live together… Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain.”

Final Rebellion & Defeat of Satan

After the 1,000 years:

  • Satan is released and deceives the nations.
  • A final battle occurs, but God destroys Satan’s army.
  • [Revelation 20:10]“The devil… was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur… tormented day and night forever.”

The Great White Throne Judgment (For Unbelievers)

  • The final judgment for those who rejected Christ.
  • [Revelation 20:12-15]The dead are judged by their deeds; those not in the Book of Life are cast into the Lake of Fire.
  • Those who reject Jesus must pay for their own sins.

What Did Jesus Teach About Hell?

  • [Matthew 25:46]“They will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
  • [Mark 9:48]“Where the maggots never die and the fire never goes out.”
  • [Luke 16:24] – The rich man in torment begs for relief but cannot escape.

Application: Why This Matters Today

  • For Believers: The Judgment Seat of Christ is a call to live fully for Jesus today. Will your life’s work withstand the fire?
  • For Unbelievers: Judgment is final. If death is certain, what’s holding you back from surrendering to Christ?

“One day, we will all stand before God. What will you wish you had changed today?”

The time to repent and follow Christ is now. Don’t wait.


Application Questions

  1. What stood out to you from this message and why?
  2. What is one thing God is telling you to START doing because of this message?
  3. What is one thing God is telling you to STOP doing because of this message?
  4. How will this message change how you act at home, at work, and in your relationships?