Life is often busy. Noisy. Chaotic. Rushed. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably at one time or another looked back and wondered where time went. And if we are not careful, the busyness of life can pull us along and cause us to stay distracted enough to where our relationship with God tends to become stagnant and even begin to wither away. As we begin this series Airplane Mode, we challenge you to begin this new year by taking some time to unplug from the busyness and chaos of life and refocus your relationship with God and begin to hear from Him.



Our goal is to help you find ways you can unplug so you grow closer to God. And as a result, you will see a difference in every area of your life:

  • The way you approach your job.
  • In your marriage
  • In your family
  • In the way you deal with conflict


I believe switching ourselves into airplane mode everyday, even for 10 minutes a day in 2020, will help you grow like never before.


Ephesians 2:10


We feel like our lives are a mess but God sees a masterpiece. The day I call on Jesus to save me is the day He takes my messy canvas and gives me a clean slate so I can do the good things He has planned for me.


Many of us are too busy or too distracted from the good God has planned for us to do. Without you turning on airplane mode, one year from now you will be in the exact same place spiritually as you are right now.


Jesus gives us 2 specific steps to help us grow:


John 15:1-4


Stay close to the vine.


His intention for our lives is that we remain close to Him. A branch that is disconnected will not produce fruit and will die.


The second step is pruning.


There are two kinds of pruning. Cutting back and cutting out.


There are things in your life that you need to cut back on in order to hear more from God and there are things that you need to cut out.