I think most of us would agree that it is a good thing to stay close to God and to intentionally set aside time to hear God’s leading, pruning, and guiding in our hearts. That it’s good to take a step back in life and lean into what God is trying to tell you. But in the last week of our series, we see what the purpose of staying close to God is! It’s not so that we can get more money, be more blessed, or even hear God speaking to our hearts. In fact, tuning our hearts to hear what God wants only matters if we follow through with this one step. And by doing so, we can live lives that are fulfilled in the purpose for which we were created.



John 15:9
John 15:10-14
“We remain in God’s love by living out God’s love.”
John 15:18-19
John 15:20-21
“Pray when you’re in a stride. Pray when you’re in a storm.”
John 15:26-27
John 16:5-7