When it comes to prayer, many of us are unsure or uncomfortable with how to utilize it in our relationship with God. We say our thoughts and prayers are with others during tough times, but often neglect the “prayer” part. For many of us, talking to God seems intimidating and we believe we have to have eloquent speech and language. And others of us have learned to recite certain prayers since we were kids so much so that we can recite them without even thinking. If prayer is a tool for us to use, then it can only be as effective as our ability to know how to use it. In this week’s message, we look at what Jesus had to say about prayer, and how He shows us a template for what to pray for so that we can become more comfortable talking to God.



Matthew 6:7-8
1 Timothy 2:5
Matthew 6:9
“Before you jump to praying for what you need, start by thanking God what he’s done.”
Matthew 6:10
Matthew 6:11
Matthew 6:12
Matthew 6:13
Matthew 6:14-15
Matthew 6:16-18
“Any Bible passage can be turned into a personal prayer.”
Psalm 102:1-4
Isaiah 43:18-20
1 John 4:9-11
“Prayer is our lifeline to God.”