Abraham is called in Gen 12 but its in Gen 15:6 that he has faith.
- That first covenant was confirmed by the blood of a sacrifice.
- After God counts him as righteous, he gives him a way to mark himself as a person who belongs to God. (Gen 17:9-13).
- The covenant agreement was that God was going to send the “rescuer” to the world through their family.
Jesus tells us why he came in the Sermon on the Mount.
- Came to fullfill the first covenant (Mt 5:17
- He tells Nicodemus that he needs a different birth (Jn 3:1-3)
- He had a physical birth into the first covenant confirmed by a sacrifice and marked by the cutting away of flesh.
- Now he needs a spiritual birth, confirmed with a permanent sacrifice and marked by putting away of the flesh.
Jesus told us what that was at the last supper. (Luke 22:20)
- Paul makes the connection to baptism in Rm 6:1-4
- He says that in baptism we declare ourselves dead to the old way of life and are set free from sin’s mastery. (Rm 6:12-14
- Paul reaffirms this in col 2:11-12
All of this makes Jesus’ final instructions crystal clear
- Jesus gave this directive in Matthew 28:18-20
- Make disciples, baptize them, then teach them.