Every year around this time we start thinking about what New Years’ Resolutions we are going to start making.
Googled top New Years Resolutions:
- Exercise or lose weight
- Save money
- New relationship/job or hobby
- Travel more
- Quit a bad habit
When it comes to some of these resolutions we have an idea of how to accomplish them…to lose weight you’re going to start going to the gym, or to get out of debt you’re going to get on a budget or attend a financial class.
When it comes to growing spiritually, we’re not quite sure where to start so we are stuck in the dream phase.
2 Peter 1:3-11 – speaks to the issue of growing spiritually.
To grow spiritually, first there must be spiritual life.
Life and godliness – spiritual life must exist first before there can be true godliness.
To grow spiritually there must be intense personal effort.
Vs 5 “make every effort” – “Wholehearted or intense effort”. This tells me that spiritual growth isn’t automatic. It requires effort on my part.
- Am I making LITTLE effort?
- Am I making SOME effort?
A DREAM written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTIONS becomes a REALITY.
To grow spiritually you need to identify the area you need to grow.
Vs 5-7 “supplement or add”
- Moral ex cellence
- Knowledge
- Self Control
- Patient endurance
- Godliness
- Brotherly affection
- Love for everyone
Faith must be more than belief in certain facts; it must result in action, growing in character, and the practice of spiritual disciplines.