Philippians 2:1-4
Paul says, you know what would be amazing?
- Stop focusing so much on yourself.
- Stop trying to impress others.
You know what would be even better?
- Just pretend others were more important than you.
- Just pretend that what matters to them, matters to you.
Do you want to have a different life? Choose a different path!
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” – C.S Lewis
Philippians 2:5-8
Jesus chose obedience to God over the indulgence of his natural cravings, his instincts for self-preservation, and desire for personal gratification.
- How? By trusting it would be worth it on the other side.
Why should you put the interests of others above your own, serve those who are selfish, and treat people better than they treat you?
- For the same reason. The JOY ON THE OTHER SIDE!
Philippians 2:9-11
Want to know how to get more joy in your world?
- Stop being selfish
- Stop trying to impress everyone else
- Treat others as though they were more important
- Care about the things happening in the lives of others
- Serve them
- Watch how God begins to change you on the inside.