Growth Groups
Looking to grow your personal relationship with Jesus?
Getting accountability is an essential way to help you stay focused on the goal!
Growth groups are all about getting you that accountability through regular, intentional meetings between a few friends.
1. Find a friend or two of the same sex and meet every other week or so.
2. Agree on a part of the Bible to read between now and the next time you meet.
3. Register your group. By registering, you can receive useful resources from time to time that will help you make the most of your meetings!
4. Use the Discussion and Prayer Guide as your framework for your conversation.
5. Invite an additional friend from Grace Church to join your group. Once there are 4 regulars in your group, consider splitting into 2 groups of 2 and repeat the process.
1. How far into the Scripture reading did you get?
2. What part of the reading can you apply in your life?
3. Who are you currently praying for?
4. Did you have an opportunity to share your faith with a friend?
5. Did you get a chance to meet the needs of someone else?
6. How were you generous/understanding in your important relationships?
7. Have your words, actions, and thoughts been pure, honest and honoring to God?
8. How are you putting God first in your finances and living within your means?
9. Are you, right now, content in every area of your life?
10. How can I pray for you?
1. Thank God for the ways he has blessed you.
2. Confess your sins to God, ask forgiveness and thank Jesus for taking the punishment for those sins. Ask him to give you the strength not to sin in that area of your life again.
3. Pray for your three closest friends. Ask God for boldness when he gives you opportunities to share your faith with them.
4. Pray for God to continue meeting your needs and help you become a blessing to others.
5. Ask God to help you be more like Jesus in every area of your life.
Whether you are new to growth groups or have been meeting for awhile, we want to help you get the most out of your group.
When you register, we can send you useful resources from time to time that will help your meetings be the best they can be.
Has your growth group changed recently? Message your Avon, Braintree or West Bridgewater location pastor and let them know, so they can update your group’s registration!