KIDS CAMP 2024: Start the Party


Want your kiddos to experience fun, enriching activities, build friendships and go deeper in their understanding of God’s love at the same time?

Our free kids camp features games, crafts, music and more—all centered around helping kids come to a deeper understanding of how God loves them and how they can make a difference in this world!

It’s the perfect environment for growing friendships with their peers at Grace Church, as well as to get to know their teachers and small group leaders in the new classrooms they were just promoted in to.


Drop-Off Camp Times:

Mon, June 24 – Thurs, June 27, 5:30-8pm

*Guardian not required to attend

Camp Family Night

Thurs, June 27, 5:30-8pm

*Families will participate together in guided activities!

What to Bring

We want our kids to grow up loving and serving others the way Jesus did. So during the week of camp, our Grace Kids service project will be to Follow Jesus Here, There and Everywhere and support kids in our local hospitals by donating as many of the following items as they can.

*Hospital Toy donations are encouraged but not required to attend Kids Camp!


Download the Toy Supply List