On a summer day, Lisa and her family showed up to a Grace Church movie night. They had never been to a Grace Church event before, but they were excited to just enjoy some family time in a safe place. What they experienced at the movie night ended up becoming a start of a journey for their whole family.
At the time, Lisa and her husband had three kids with them. “One of them was a newborn! I had my hands full,” says Lisa, “But the kids were spoiled with cotton candy and hot dogs and jumpy houses. As a parent, I loved watching love pour out the team members who made the event possible.”
They were so impressed that they came back for a second movie night. Little did those movie-night team members know, Lisa and her husband had been thinking about attending a church. By the time they went home from their second movie night, the couple was so moved by their experience, they decided to take a chance on Grace Church.
“We came to church the next day! I knew that Grace church was the type of place I wanted to be a part of after seeing the team members care for and love my kiddos!” says Lisa, “It takes a village to raise children and this was the kind of village I wanted to be a part of.“
As a result, their family is now a different family. “Our lives have been forever changed,” says Lisa. “Our marriage is stronger and more focused on God’s plan. My children know they are loved by their Creator and their church family. And we have become part of the blessing of showing Christ to our world.”
These days, Lisa and her family are actively involved in the church family community at Grace Church. “Through life groups and service teams, we are growing as individuals and as a family into the people God has intended each of us to be,” Lisa says, “We are so thankful that Grace Church had been there to start our journey!”
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