Bible opens with a problem – Adam was alone.
God fixed it and then when sin came, they were both alone.
Maslow’s Hierarchy: Food/water, Shelter/Safety, Belonging
The most popular TV shows of all time have this in common (Friends, Seinfeld, Office, Parks & Recs)
We want more than family. We want community. We were made for it! Truth is that our community shapes who we become (birds of a feather).
Theme in Bible is that following God changes the way you live.
In Matt 16:24, Jesus said we had to deny self, sacrifice and live like him.
- Causes us to make adjustments in the way we live (inconvenient).
- 2 Cor 6:17-7:1, there is to be a pilling away and an attaching to a new group of people that God refers to as his sons and daughters.
- Struggle for us because we look at Christianity as an app we add to our lives rather than a completely new OS.
Galatians 6:1-3 “Others”
vs 1 Help those who are overcome with sin.
- This is a tough one, messy. Acts 2:44.46
- Point is we can’t just watch our friends fall away
vs 2 Share burdens (requires transparency).
- What is the “law of Christ”? Love God and neighbor as yourself
- Questions: where is this, right now, happening in your life?
- There’s a reason this isn’t happening.
vs 3 Barriers = <u lofty opinion of myself
- I’m busy, inconvenient, your life < my life. Waste of time
- Solution is opposite (Rom 12:3 higher than ought). Phil 2:3
- We make time for what we want. It’s just true.
Galatians 6:4-5 “Myself”
vs4 You work on YOU. You got enough stuff to focus on to keep you from comparing yourself. Measure yourself against where you WERE.
vs 5 You are responsible to God for your actions
Galatians 6:7-10 “the grind”
v7, we get out of this what we put in – EFFORT
v8 Focusing on yourself sucks the life out of you. Focusing on the life God is leading you to will ultimately fill your tank.
v9 Barrier = doing the right thing is a grind
v10 Do good to everyone – especially Christians
- Have you been adopted as a son or daughter, by God, or not?
- How long will your faith be confined to a weekend service?
- Are you willing to prioritize other followers of Jesus in your church family?
- If so, how will you adjust your life to make your role here a greater priority?