What does real faith look like in everyday life? Many of us have settled for a comfortable version of faith – showing up to church, believing the right things, or keeping God in a designated corner of our lives. But is this really a faith that pleases God? Discover how real faith moves beyond intellectual belief into active trust that transforms everything. Whether fear holds you back or pride keeps you in control, see why nothing pleases God more than our willingness to ‘jump out of the boat’ – giving Him our best, prioritizing relationship with Him, and following His leading with bold obedience. Learn some practical steps to help you build a faith that actually changes your daily life.




Application Questions

  1. What stood out to you from this message and why?
  2. What is one thing God is telling you to START doing because of this message?
  3. What is one thing God is telling you to STOP doing because of this message?
  4. How will this message change how you act at home, at work, and in your relationships?