Grace Church is one church with many locations, and we believe one of those locations can be right where you are.

We live in an incredible time where the Church is not limited by buildings or geography. We love gathering together in person, but that isn’t possible for everyone, all the time. Our hope is that Grace at Home gives everyone the chance to gather together in worship, connect with others, and find resources that will encourage and enrich them.


APRIL 4 @ 10AM

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Help your children follow Jesus

Grace Kids at Home is all about making the weekend experience exciting for the whole family. By sharing resources and providing valuable encouragement, we want you to feel empowered to lead your kids every week.

We believe this time together will not only lead your child into a loving relationship with Jesus but strengthen family bonds that will last a lifetime.

Parent's Guide

Grace at Home with Friends!

You don’t have to be a pastor to host Grace at Home. We want to make it easy for you to create a worship experience wherever you are.

Click on the link below for a Hosting Guide that will help you get everything setup to create an environment of worship and connection.

Hosting Guide


One of Grace Church’s 4 CORE VALUES is being Biblically Centered. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and that we should adjust our lives to fit the Bible and not adjust the Bible to fit our lives. So to help you take your next step in living a biblically centered life we gathered some resources for you, enjoy!

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It’s like Netflix for Bible Studies! Get full access to more than 20,000 streaming videos for free. You’ll find material on everything from parenting to finances to recovery and addiction. Plus you can choose from more than 2,000 wholesome, educational, and entertaining videos!

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Clear Out Distractions.

Remove any barriers to worship and learning. Find a space in your home and set it up to be warm and inviting. Include the kids and turn up the volume! Worship is for everyone.


Practice hospitality.

Whether you are able to experience service with a couple of friends, or whether we’re all staying in our homes for a season, find ways to get to know the people you are worshipping with, even if it’s all online.


Set the tone.

Be the leader in your home. Help everyone stay focused on the service and be ready afterwards to answer questions.

Access Resources.

If you have a smart TV then simply go to our Youtube and search for ThatsGrace and subscribe. Each week we’ll have videos for adults, kids and teens.


Group Discussion.

Applying the teaching to your life is the most important part of any Church service. Spend a few minutes using our weekly discussion questions to help you make a lasting change in your life.


Prayer Time.

End Grace at Home by spend time in prayer for one another, family, and friends.


Clear Out Distractions.

Remove any barriers to worship and learning, such as clutter, toys and food.


Show Video.

Every week we include a video lesson that you can watch with your kids.


Discussion Time.

Encourage your kids to open up about what they learned after the lesson is complete.

Weekly Resources.

Be sure to download resources for both kids and parents to use throughout the week.

Download Resources


Continued Discussion.

The weekly resources also contain discussion starters you can use throughout the week to help you and your kids apply the lessons to your everyday life!


Stay Connected.

Gather your kids and head over to our Facebook page for interactive activities to help Bible stories come alive!