Family Friendly Candlelight Services

Reflect on the sincere meaning of Christmas with Grace.

Inviting your friends and neighbors
to a Christmas service is as easy as 1,2,3!

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Avon Location Invite

Hey, do you have plans for a Christmas Eve service this year? There’s a Christmas candlelight service at Grace Church in Avon and I would love for you to come with me!

Service times: December 23rd @3:30PM & 5PM / December 24th @12PM, 1:30PM, 3PM & 4:30PM

Location: 101 Wales Avenue, Avon, MA

Braintree Location Invite

Hey, do you have plans for a Christmas Eve service this year? There’s a Christmas candlelight service at Grace Church in Braintree and I would love for you to come with me!

Service times: December 23rd @3:30PM, 5PM / December 24th  @1:30PM, 3PM, & 4:30PM

Location: 14 Storrs Ave, Braintree, MA

Norton Location Invite

Hey, do you have plans for a Christmas Eve service this year? There’s a Christmas candlelight service at Grace Church in Norton and I would love for you to come with me!

Service times: December 24th  @1:30PM, 3PM & 4:30PM

Location: 1 New Taunton Ave, Norton, MA

West Bridgewater Location Invite

Hey, do you have plans for a Christmas Eve service this year? There’s a Christmas candlelight service at Grace Church in West Bridgewater and I would love for you to come with me!

Service times: December 23rd @3:30PM & 5PM / December 24th  @12PM, 1:30PM, 3PM & 4:30PM

Location: 237 West Center Street, West Bridgewater, MA

Online Service Invite

Hey, want to join Grace Church’s Online Christmas Eve Service this year? I would love for you to check it out with me!

Livestream: December 24th @3PM